Where to report device-specific bugs to Samsung?

Error 454 picture Error 454 · Feb 8, 2011 · Viewed 17.4k times · Source

I'm looking for a place to report Android bugs on Samsung devices. The place would ideally have actual representation by Samsung developers. Japanese forums are ok.

I have tried:
- http://innovator.samsungmobile.com - This has a Java ME forum but the existing Android posts are unanswered.
- http://developer.samsung.com - Points to the same content as the 1st link.
- Calling Samsung 3rd level support to ask for a reference - they told me to use the 1st link but couldn't tell me which forum was appropriate to file bugs against Android devices.


Urboss picture Urboss · Feb 18, 2011


They can solve even a device specific bug or forward it to a device manufacturer, optionally extending the CTS to cover a given case.

It's also good to let Samsung know about a bug. The best place for that seems to be their developer forum: http://developer.samsung.com/forum/en