How to go to a selected date in Material Calendar View?

Patriotic picture Patriotic · Jan 4, 2017 · Viewed 8.4k times · Source

I'm using material-calendarview in my project. I can change the selection of the date using setSelectedDate() method. I've a button as "Today selection".My intention is to move the views to current date by clicking this button.There are methods goToNext() and goToPrevious() which only changes one month.But if it is two or more month forward or backward,then how should i change the view to selected date or current date.I tried using invalidate() but nothing happens.


ralphgabb picture ralphgabb · Jan 16, 2017

For those people who are having a hard time on this one, update your gradle to :

compile 'com.prolificinteractive:material-calendarview:1.4.2'

there is a function :

calendarView.setCurrentDate(CalendarDay.from(year, month, day), true);

no more computation, pager directs to selected date. kudos.