Android calendar view

Brian picture Brian · Sep 13, 2010 · Viewed 50.6k times · Source

I'm pretty new to Android development and I'm looking for a means of including calendar in my Android application, but I'm striking out pretty bad when googling.

  1. Is there any way to use a default calendar kind of view in my application? (would be ideal since the UI would be familiar)

  2. Failing at a built-in option, are there any good libraries out there with a calendar control that I could use?

I'm not looking to sync and all of that (at least, at this point), just looking to have a calendar view that I can display information to the user.


thomasdao picture thomasdao · Mar 8, 2013

I wrote Caldroid library ( that is simple to setup and have many features such as setup min/max date, disabled dates, select date range, swipe to change month, fully localized, support rotation properly etc. It's easy to customize the look and feel. Just to share if someone might find it useful :)