Change the style of Android Calendar View

Gaurav picture Gaurav · Dec 20, 2015 · Viewed 8.3k times · Source

I am using a calendar view inside a dialog fragment .I am getting the one as shown below. I am using the default calendarview provided.

Actual Calendar View

But instead i want to get a calendar view as this one , which is shown by default in xml when i add:

Desired Calndar View

I have tried changing the style to Widget.DeviceDefault.Light.CalendarView , Widget.Material.CalendarView but with same effect.


Harsh Sharma picture Harsh Sharma · Dec 20, 2015

I don't know How to create Custom Calendar but you might check this GitHub library.You may succeed in creating the one, you are asking for with just little customization

And also Refer to this Useful Stackoverflow post from which you will definitely be able to implement a CalenderView as you wanted.

Custom Android calendarView