Does Android have built-in abilities to do video editing? If so, where?
I need to get two MP4 videos, and generate one with a nice transition between the videos. Right now, I am sending everything to the server. However, I would love to be able to do it straight on the device. I also need to apply some basic effects to the video.
So, does Android have an API for this? If not, what tools/libraries/frameworks are available? And is the gap being covered?
For video editing the library would be FFmpeg as referenced in other questions like: Video processing and filtering libraries
However Android has been improving its framework MediaCodec. It may help to read: and the latest documentation:
And of course don't forget to take a look at the Media related Google Samples in github:
2019-11 Edit:
Android Samples moved here:
Additionally if you can support a min SDK API level of 21 and only use supported Android media codec profiles so camera okay but random video off internet perhaps not there are third-party libraries like MasayukiSuda's Mp4Composer-android which might work for your use case.