Reverse video in android

Android Developer picture Android Developer · Oct 20, 2015 · Viewed 11.5k times · Source

I have recorded a video from camera in my app and saved in device storage.Now I want to reverse the video such that it plays from backwards.i.e. if video is of 10 seconds then the last frame at 10th second will become first frame and it starts playing from there to 1st second first frame.I want to save the reversed video in a file.How should i proceed in that?


Mick picture Mick · Oct 20, 2015

If you are prepared to use ffmpeg you can use this approach - it essentially breaks the video into frames and then builds it again in reverse order:

There are several ways to use ffmpeg in Android but the 'wrapper' approach is one which I have found a reasonable blend of performance and ease of use. Some example Android ffmpeg wrapper:

It's worth being aware that this will be time-consuming on a Mobile - if you have the luxury of being able to upload to a server and doing the reversal there it might be quicker.