I am having problems with the Webview in Android and it's JavascriptInterfaces.
I am passing a string to the JavascriptInterface. When debugging it, I receive the correct string within my Android application. The problem: Sometimes I get an Uncaught Error: Error calling method on NPObject.
Does anybody know why?
The Interface in Java:
public class JSInterfaceGame extends JSInterface {
public void setShareText(String share){
shareText = share;
if(mJSInterfaceListener != null)
The initialization in the onCreateView-Method within the Fragment:
online = (WebView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.online);
online.setWebViewClient(new WISWebviewClient() {
public void onStatusChanged(final WebView view, int progress, long duration) {
WebSettings ws = online.getSettings();
SharedPreferences settings = getActivity().getSharedPreferences(GameActivity.PREFERENCES, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
mJSInterface = new JSInterfaceGame();
mJSInterface.setJSInterfaceListener(this); // Defined elsewhere in this class.
mJSInterface.setPlayerName(settings.getString(GameActivity.PREFS_PlAYERNAME, null));
online.addJavascriptInterface(mJSInterface, "JSInterface");
Call in Javascript:
function makeShareText() {
var text = "Some text";
console.log(typeof text); // Always a string.
It happens when you try, using method called from javascript interface, to interact with UI. To solved it in this way:
class mJSInterface()
public void myFunction()
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
//Code that interact with UI