The ViewModel class is designed to store and manage UI-related data in a lifecycle conscious way.
I have gone through many blogs related to MVVM model with Data Binding. As data binding with ViewModel makes it …
android mvvm android-databinding android-viewmodel android-mvvmThere are two Fragments: ParentFragment and ChildFragment. ChildFragment has been added to a view of the ParentFragment. Now using Dagger2 …
android mvvm dependency-injection dagger android-viewmodelI'm using LiveData to fetch data from a server and observe it. My onChanged() method just gets called the first …
java android android-architecture-components android-livedata android-viewmodelI have an architectural question about the android ViewModels: Let's say that in my App I have an Activity with …
android mvvm android-viewmodelI have an app using Androids ViewModel class and Navigation Component for navigating between fragments. How would I handle navigation …
android mvvm rx-java android-viewmodel android-architecture-navigationI based my code on an example I found that uses Android Architecture Components and data binding. This is a …
android mvvm android-recyclerview android-databinding android-viewmodelThis is what I'm trying to do. Set an ArrayList of object inside a Fragment Get that array from an …
android kotlin mvvm fragment android-viewmodelI am learning ViewModel and LiveData and, in the process, a doubt arose. What should I do if I need …
android viewmodel android-architecture-components android-viewmodelI am trying to instantiate one ViewModel to use across all of my Activity(s). public class LaunchActivity extends Activity { …
android android-layout android-fragments android-viewmodelI have a service which provides UI that is visible to user most of the time. I was experimenting with …
android mvvm android-livedata android-viewmodel