Top "Android-viewbinding" questions

View binding is a feature that allows you to more easily write code that interacts with views.

ViewBinding - how to get binding for included layouts?

While working with ViewBinding I come across few not documented cases. First: How to get binding for included generic view …

android android-viewbinding
How to use ViewBinding in a RecyclerView.Adapter?

Can I use ViewBindings to replace findViewById in this typical RecyclerView.Adapter initialization code? I can't set a binding val …

android android-viewbinding
How to use view binding in Android

I have been using findViewById and then ButterKnife to bind views. Recently, I came across this article:…

android findviewbyid android-viewbinding
java.lang.NullPointerException: Missing required view with ID:

Android Studio 3.6 in app/build.gradle: android { viewBinding.enabled = true Here my xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <…

android nullpointerexception android-viewbinding
ViewBinding vs Kotlin Android Extensions with synthetic views

How does the new ViewBinding compare with the Kotlin Android Extensions with synthetic views bindings? Apart from the NullSafety and …

android kotlin kotlin-android-extensions android-viewbinding
What is the right way of Android View Binding in the RecyclerView adapter class?

Here is the code I used in my RecycleView adapter class. I don't know this is the right way or …

java android android-recyclerview android-viewbinding
Android : Difference between DataBinding and ViewBinding

We are using DataBinding since Jetpack release. Android documentation indicates that ViewBinding was added in Android Studio 3.6 Canary 11+. I read …

android data-binding android-databinding android-viewbinding
How using ViewBinding with an abstract base class

I started using ViewBinding. After searching for some example or advice how to use ViewBinding with an abstract base class …

android android-viewbinding
View Bindings not generating

I'm currently trying out the new ViewBindings but i'm not getting them to work. I'm on Android Studio 3.6.1. I just …

android android-studio android-layout android-viewbinding
Android ViewBinding with CustomView

I'd like to use try out the ViewBinding with custom view, for example: MainActivity <=> layout_main.xml MyCustomView &…

android android-viewbinding