I'm using Android Studio 0.2.3 and when opened an activity layout normally, the preview should appear on the right side, so …
android android-studio android-versionI'm not new to Android and I'm well used to the version handling and how to condition it, but when …
android android-versionWhich minimum android version is supported by flutter? Do some plugins have any effect on which version is not supported? …
flutter android-versiona) What does the Android bundle version and version code denote? b) What is the difference between the bundle version …
android version google-play unity3d android-versionI am developing an application for Froyo as minimum version and Gingerbread as the target version. So, the manifest shows: &…
android eclipse android-emulator adt android-versionI am writing an app for android (2.1 > 3.1) and I would like to use the familiar practice of using the …
android android-actionbar android-version onstartSince which Android version is "drawable-nodpi" supported? Is it safe to put images in "res/drawable-nodpi" and expect them to …
android android-version android-drawableIs there any way to know dynamically and programmatically the versionCode of an Android application?? I don´t know... maybe …
android android-versionI know there are a lot of questions on here about Android API Level and Version but this question is …
java android android-version