Top "Android-uiautomator" questions

The uiautomator testing framework lets you test your user interface (UI) efficiently by creating automated functional UI testcases that can be run against your app on one or more devices.

android uiautomator to click ListView

I have an android app which uses the uiautomator to click the options in a listview. The ListView looks like …

android android-uiautomator
UIautomator how to get child by index or instance

I use following code get child of uiautomator but not working UiObject my = new UiObject(new UiSelector().className("android.widget.…

android android-uiautomator
uiautomatorviewer - What does NAF stand for?

Its my understanding that UIAutomator is unable to automate any elements where NAF = true in uiautomatorviewer. Ive searched high and …

How to fill in password EditText with Android uiautomator?

Is it possible for the uiautomator to select a password EditText? I have no problem finding other EditText views by …

android ui-automation android-testing android-uiautomator
Any faster way to dump UI hierarchy?

Right now I'm using uiautomator do dump the UI like this: adb shell uiautomator dump And it works fine except …

android android-layout android-ui android-uiautomator
Android UIAutomator Testing: Count of all elements present in the list view

While doing mobile UI Automation testing using Android UIAutomator, I need to find out all the elements present in the …

android android-uiautomator
Android - Independent Fragment UI testing tool

I've been looking for a way to test the UI of my Fragments separately (ie, independently from other fragments and …

android android-testing android-espresso android-uiautomator
how to get android element's 'resource id' and 'content description' attributes value in appium java?

I wanted to get resource id and content description of android elements at runtime. i tried this: myElement.getAttribute("resource-id") …

java android appium android-uiautomator
UIautomator Test Case Android

I'm working with UiAutomator, but I unable to extend my class with UIAutomatorTestCase, Also I had added the jar files …

android android-uiautomator junit3
Can one Android application control another application via UI Automator?

I am trying to write an Android application/service which can be deployed on the target device. The app can …

android accessibility android-uiautomator