Top "Android-tv" questions

Android TV is a smart TV platform running the Android operating system.

How to install Android app on LG smart TV?

I have android app apk on my USB, I inserted it in my LG smart tv, it shows me USB …

android android-tv lg smart-tv
How do I use tools:overrideLibrary in a build.gradle file?

I'm using the leanback libraries, which require Android 17 or later. However my app supports a minSDK of 16, so I get …

android gradle android-tv
Android Studio / Win8 / ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

Using Android Studio on Windows 8 x64 (latest stable build). I have an extremely simple project with nothing but a WebView …

android android-studio google-tv android-tv
getLaunchIntentForPackage is null for some apps

I'm building a service that sends a list of installed apps from an Android TV or a Fire TV to …

android android-tv amazon-fire-tv nexus-player
UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader

I'm making an application for AndroidTV and get the error java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/…

android android-tv nexus-player
Is there a way to run Android TV in VirtualBox?

I want to try out Android TV and possibly develop an app for it. I want to see the OS …

virtualbox android-tv
Android tv lagging after sleepping (Mi box 4)

Environment: Xiaomi Mi Box 4 Android 8.1.0 My box is pretty much useless after sleep. When I try to watch something in …

android-tv xiaomi
How to keep the last item's focus of RecyclerView when navigating to the end of the list?

I used a RecyclerView with HORIZONTAL direction in my TV development which controlled by a D-pad to navigate the list …

android android-recyclerview android-tv
Android TV RecyclerView focus interaction

I'm currently using a regular RecyclerView with GridLayoutManagerwith different spanCount depeding on the viewType for an Android TV app. All …

android android-recyclerview android-tv
How to increase the size of a current focused item on a RecyclerView?

I'm trying to make an horizontal list with a RecyclerView, that when I put the focus on an item, increase …

android android-layout android-tv