Top "Android-resources" questions

Android resources - framework for providing different layouts or strings for android projects.

Tool to batch convert android resource bitmaps to different densities

I need to post-release support different display densities on Android During development drawable-hdpi has grown to 160 png (like 20 of them 9 …

android android-layout bitmap resolution android-resources
Assets Folder Not Getting Added To Android Studio Project and APK

I'm trying to add an Assets folder to my Android Project in Android Studio 2.1.2. I right click on the project …

android android-studio libgdx android-resources android-assets
colors.xml resource does not work

I created a colors.xml file in my Android app under /res/values/colors.xml. The contents are... <?xml …

java android android-xml android-resources
Assets folder in Android Studio Unit Test

I have a Gradle project with the following structure: project/ src/ androidTest/ java/ main/ java/ res/ AndroidManifest.xml build.gradle …

java android unit-testing android-resources
Tint VectorDrawable inside Drawable Resource xml

i've had a drawable resource for a selectable Button/ImageView like this: <selector> <item android:state_selected="…

android android-resources tint android-vectordrawable