Permissions in the AndroidManifest.
I want to check a permission inside a fragment. my code: // Here, thisActivity is the current activity if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(…
android android-fragments android-permissionsWhich permissions need for requesting permissions at run time of API 23?
android permissions android-manifest android-permissions android-api-levelsI'm trying to write code to send an SMS from an Android app, but when I try to send the …
java android android-permissionsIn my Android application I'm willing to use GPS locations. What are the main permissions that I should included in …
android gps triangulation android-permissionsFacebook, Evernote, Pocket - all apps get this permission on Android 6.0 automatically, even though they are targeting 23 (targetSdkVersion=23). There has …
android android-permissions android-6.0-marshmallow target-sdk system-alert-windowLately we have suddenly been seeing a few of the following stack traces. Why could that be? This is from …
android android-service android-permissionsCheckSelfPermission method is not working as expected and it is always returning zero in android 6.0(Marshmallow). Because the target sdk …
android android-permissionsI am trying add run time permissions android(6.0.1) API 23,If I use SDK version(min and target version both 23) it …
android android-support-library android-permissions android-6.0-marshmallowUsing adb, how can I find out the which permissions an Android application requires? Because I want to display the …
android permissions adb android-permissions aaptI'm trying to call a httpClient and the response is "Permission denied (missing INTERNET permission?)". In the normal browser of …
android android-permissions