Top "Android-permissions" questions

Permissions in the AndroidManifest.

Is the request for internet persmission required at runtime (Android)?

For Android, it is required that we ask permissions at runtime to make sure users understand better why en when …

android android-manifest android-permissions runtime-permissions
USB Host mode device not detected - Which files are exactly needed

I am trying to make my samsung galaxy gt-i8530 phone read USB devices (mouse, pendrive, keyboard). It has the same …

android linux permissions android-permissions usb-otg
Android: get user ID without requiring scary (for user) permissions?

In order to manage user preferences, at present I'm grabbing the google user name (effectively the email address they've registered …

android android-permissions
Permission Denial while sharing file with FileProvider

I am trying to share file with FileProvider. I checked that file is shared properly with apps like gmail, google …

android android-intent android-permissions android-fileprovider
How to open Draw Overlay permission popup in MIUI?

I want to open this permission popup in MIUI. I have tried this code, but this will not open permission …

android android-permissions android-popupwindow
Why are permissions being automatically added to my AndroidManifest when including Google Play Services library

I noticed that the following permissions were automatically added when i use the following in my build.gradle file compile …

android admob android-manifest google-play-services android-permissions
How do I get information about a phone's IMEI in Android 10?

Before Android 10, I was using the TelephonyManager API to retrieve that info, but it's no longer working in Android 10.

android android-permissions telephonymanager imei
Android app auto update on Google Play and permissions change

I know that when at least one new permission is added, the app will not be auto-updated. The user has …

google-play auto-update android-permissions
Android studio adds unwanted permission after running application on real device

After running application on device application required unwanted location permission that is not mention in manifest file. While when I …

android android-gradle-plugin build.gradle android-manifest android-permissions