How do I know what android ndk version I'm running in

Dror Cohen picture Dror Cohen · Mar 14, 2010 · Viewed 11.4k times · Source

In the gui you can go to Settings->About Phone->Firmware Version and get 2.1 (or whatever). How do I do it from command line (or for a native application that needs to do it in run time ) ?


Christopher Orr picture Christopher Orr · Mar 14, 2010

The NDK doesn't run on the phone, it's just a set of tools that let you build native libraries that will run on Android devices. As such, there is no version checking.

The only hard requirement is that you use Android 1.5 or above:

The native libraries created by the Android NDK can only be used on devices running the Android 1.5 platform version or later.

However, if you want to use particular parts of the OpenGL ES APIs, you need to make sure your app is running on a certain version of the Android OS — but this is done as normal via the AndroidManifest.xml file.

See for more details.