Top "Android-ndk-r5" questions

The Android Native Development Kit enables users to call C/C++ code from their applications running in the Dalvik Virtual Machine.

Where do I find old versions of Android NDK?

Does anyone know where I can find older versions of the Android NDK? Our code doesn't build with r6. Surely …

android-ndk android-ndk-r5 android-ndk-r4
configure does not recognize androideabi

I am trying to compile a library using android-ndk-r5 standalone toolchain and autotools. When doing a ./configure, it fails with: $ ./…

android-ndk autotools configure autoconf android-ndk-r5
Running ndk-gdb with package not found error on motorola phone

I have a C++ Android application that I'm trying to debug with ndk-gdb. The application does use multiple threads, but …

android gdb android-ndk remote-debugging android-ndk-r5
What is the standalone toolchain?

I am trying to understand what a standalone toolchain means. Following are my findings. A toolchain which is ready to …

android toolchain android-ndk-r5