The new Google Maps Android API v2 allows you to offer interactive, feature-rich maps to users of your Android application.
I am trying to release my app, but having a problem with google maps. The app contains an activity (MapActivity) …
android google-maps keytool android-maps-v2 android-keystorei am try to get latitude & longitude from address , problem is that .. when i give only city name than …
android geocoding android-maps android-maps-v2Using 2 simple activities. First Activity which only holds a button to start the 2nd Activity which holds the map: Main …
android google-maps-android-api-2 android-maps-v2 supportmapfragmentI am using the built in geofence APIs (play services) and have been having mixed results. It looks like after …
android android-maps-v2 android-geofenceI am using latest Google Maps API. My problem goes like this: I want to remove the MyLocation button (The …
java android google-maps android-maps-v2I'm using the Google maps v2 in my app and am debugging it in the emulator. Since the update on …
android android-emulator android-maps-v2 google-play-servicesI am adding a polyline option simply as in google developer's website. PolylineOptions rectOptions = new PolylineOptions() .add(new LatLng(37.35, -122.0)) .…
android google-maps android-maps-v2I'm trying to use Google Maps Android API v2, and I have already created the SHA1 key from my release …
android android-maps-v2I am adding a custom marker to the android map view. here is the image I am using for it.…
android android-maps-v2 android-shapeI use my MapView (new API v2) with a list of points that belong to a route. They are pretty …
android google-maps camera android-mapview android-maps-v2