android-location refers to the location API provided by the Android framework.
First of all i have check this answer. What i am trying to do is extending Location class calling it …
android inheritance android-locationmy application perform periodic location updates and Activity recognition detection in background. I'm doing that using the Google Play Services …
android google-play-services android-pendingintent android-location activity-recognitionI am currently getting Current Location of device (lat,lng) in MapActivity. Now , I want to let the user move …
android google-maps google-maps-markers android-locationI'm trying to create an app that lets users log routes (locations/GPS). To ensure locations are logged even when …
android android-service android-lifecycle android-location android-dozeSorry for my english. I'm trying to get a single location from GPS to put on global variables latitude, longitude. …
android android-activity gps wait android-locationI am using the routine requestSingleUpdate() reoutine of the android LocationManager library with a LocationListener. The functionality I am trying …
android android-locationI need to share location from my app using the share intent activity, I have gone through some examples and …
android android-intent android-locationWhat I am trying to do: I am trying to develop an app that only requires the user's location at …
android android-location android-loadermanagerI am using NETWORK_PROVIDER to get latitude and longitude of the place. I'v already check the setting in the "…
android locationmanager android-locationI've asked this question before but still no resolution. Here is what I'm looking for. I am working on a …
android-emulator android-location