Top "Android-location" questions

android-location refers to the location API provided by the Android framework.

Change Location Mode to High Accuracy Programmatically Android

Is it possible to get the information on the location mode which the user has selected among the three modes …

android gps location android-location android-geofence
Geocoder.getFromLocation grpc failed on Android real device

I need to get the city and state from latitude and longitude. Geocoder does this function to get the city …

android google-maps latitude-longitude android-location google-geocoder
How to get the coarse location using Wifi or GSM or GPS, whichever is available?

My app only needs a coarse location service when started up. In detail, I need the app's rough location so …

android android-wifi android-location
Using GoogleApiClient + LocationServices not updating

I'm just trying to do a simple 'tutorial' app to get my phone's location (to learn how to use it …

android location google-play-services android-location google-api-client
How to set the location manually in Android Studio emulator

I have a project in which I need to get the location as India. But in my emulator I am …

android android-emulator android-location avd
How to get Location with Wifi in Android?

I Want get location with Wifi and work in Google map, and it's not work for me but Gps is …

java android android-location location-provider
Is Fused Location Provider good choice?

I am developing an application where I want to use Fused Location Provider. But I have some doubts, and couple …

android gps android-location fusedlocationproviderapi
Fused Location Provider unexpected behavior

this is how I register my app to receive location updates: mLocationRequest = LocationRequest.create(); mLocationRequest.setInterval(Consts.ONE_MINUTE * 10); mLocationRequest.…

android gps google-play-services android-location location-services
How to ask user to enable GPS at the launch of application?

private void turnGPSOn(){ String provider = Settings.Secure.getString(getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED); if(!provider.contains("gps")){ //if gps …

android android-location android-gps
distanceBetween() returns inaccurate result?

I use distanceBetween() of Location class to calculate the distance between two points as follows: private float getDistanceInMiles(GeoPoint p1, …

android google-maps android-location