Top "Android-layout" questions

A layout defines the visual structure for a user interface, such as the UI for an activity, fragment or app widget.

How to set Toolbar text and back arrow color

Toolbar background is dark color, I want text and back arrow to be white. I tried following, but it doesnt …

android android-layout toolbar android-theme android-styles
Android: alternate layout xml for landscape mode

How can I have one layout for landscape and one for portrait? I want to assume extra width and conserve …

android layout resources android-layout orientation
Set View Width Programmatically

I am trying to set the width and height of a view in code to show an ad for a …

android android-layout mobfox
What does ellipsize mean in android?

I've added an EditText to my layout, and added a hint, and made it centered horizontally. When running the application, …

android android-layout textview
Gridview with two columns and auto resized images

I'm trying to make a gridview with two columns. I mean two photos per row side by side just like …

android android-layout android-gridview
What is android:weightSum in android, and how does it work?

I want to know: What is android:weightSum and layout weight, and how do they work?

android android-layout android-layout-weight
How to make layout with View fill the remaining space?

I'm designing my application UI. I need a layout looks like this: (< and > are Buttons). The problem is, …

android layout android-layout
How to define dimens.xml for every different screen size in android?

When supporting different screen sizes (densities) in Android often the focus is on creating different layouts for every possible screen. …

android android-layout android-activity android-screen-support
String Resource new line /n not possible?

It doesn't seem like it's possible to add a new line /n to an XML resource string. Is there another …

android xml android-layout newline android-resources
Getting View's coordinates relative to the root layout

Can I get a View's x and y position relative to the root layout of my Activity in Android?

android android-layout coordinates