Top "Android-inflate" questions

Instantiates a layout XML file into its corresponding View objects

Can someone explain inflate method? Deeper understanding of Android views

I want deeper understanding of how Android works, and I need someone to explain how Views are actually working "under …

java android xml view android-inflate
Error inflating class <unknown>

I am trying to work my way in UI. I am trying to set stateListDrawable for list entries. All I …

android textview android-inflate xml-drawable
Plugins architecture for an Android app?

THIS QUESTION HAS MOVED TO I want to implement a plugin system for an …

android dalvik layout-inflater android-inflate dex
How to get Action Mode working with a ListView

I'm trying to get a contextual menu using the Action Mode where I can select an item in a ListView …

android listview android-inflate action-menu
How to use inflater method within the fragment

Hi I am working with android.I had tried to inflate a layout into the fragment, but it shows error …

android fragment android-inflate
How to findViewById form another XML file?

I connent an with addevent.xml is content a listview, the listview take its element from another XML …

android android-layout android-inflate
Replacing ListView row with another layout onClick

I have a ListView with only TextView. I want an implementation in which if I click on a ListView row, …

android android-layout listview android-listview android-inflate
Android: Error inflating class PreferenceScreen

Please help me out here, I'm hitting brick wall for the last two days and can't figure it out. I …

android android-inflate preferencefragment
How to inflate a custom view class?

I have a class that extends view, that defines a custom drawing (a resistor). I want to click a button …

android android-layout android-custom-view android-inflate
Popping up a Dialog from a non-UI thread

I'm developing a network app, which is group oriented. The thing is that when I'm about to join a group, …

android android-alertdialog android-inflate