The Android Gradle Plugin is Android's standard build system.
Project structure: App project --> depends on Library project Library Project has a folder for the compiled jni libs …
android android-ndk android-gradle-pluginI have Android project with standard build.gradle (also I added android annotations). Also I installed Gradle plugin (from http://…
android eclipse gradle android-gradle-plugin gradle-eclipseI integrated the Zendesk mobile sdk through its maven repository into my project and it wouldn't build anymore. It has …
android gradle android-studio android-gradle-plugin zendeskI am using Android studio 2.2 on windows 10. I am trying to import an existing android project. The problem that it …
android android-studio android-gradle-plugin build.gradle android-studio-2.2I'm trying to rebuild my project which I've written in kotlin but it has constantly failed with the error Program …
android android-studio android-gradle-plugin build.gradle kotlin-android-extensionsAfter updating Android Studio to 3.3 V I am getting the following error: I have updated all the gradle dependencies. Are …
android-studio android-gradle-plugin android-studio-3.3I have been battling this error all day in Android Studio. Project was imported from an eclipse solution. I have …
android android-studio android-gradle-plugin zxing android-developer-apiI am trying to generate a signed APK. I have my password.keystore file located in \Dictionary\android\app and …
gradle react-native android-gradle-plugin build.gradle gradlewMy project was working fine until I added the Facebook dependency. I've started getting this error. I've read many question, …
android android-gradle-plugin android-multidexIs it possible to change the package name of an Android application using Gradle? I need to compile two copies …
android gradle android-build android-gradle-plugin