Is there any way to integrate Eclipse with Gradle in Android project?

MAGx2 picture MAGx2 · Nov 11, 2013 · Viewed 41.7k times · Source

I have Android project with standard build.gradle (also I added android annotations).

Also I installed Gradle plugin (from to my Eclipse (Kepler) and converted project to Gradle project.

Unfortunately I cannot run Gradle build on my Eclipse (in cmd line everything works).

My question is how to make Eclipse works with Gradle just like with Maven.


Israel Varea picture Israel Varea · Dec 24, 2013

In order to be able to build an Android gradle project with Eclipse I followed these instructions:

  1. Install these Eclipse plugins:

    • Gradle IDE (3.4.0)
    • Android Development Tools (22.3.0)
  2. If you have an old-style android project layout, change your build.gradle to configure source directories as explained in the Android Gradle User Guide.

  3. If you have a gradle android project layout, create two symbolic links into the root of your project.

    ln -s src/main/res res
    ln -s src/main/AndroidManifest.xml AndroidManifest.xml

I hope it helps!