Top "Android-glide" questions

a fast and efficient open source image loading library for Android that wraps media decoding, memory and disk caching, and resource pooling into a simple and easy to use interface.

Does Glide have a method for loading both PNG and SVG?

I'm using Glide to load some images asynchronously into some of my ImageViews, and I know it can handle images …

java android svg android-glide
Save picture to storage using Glide

I'm trying to add a Download feature to my app, I'm using Glide Library to load the pictures from their …

android save android-glide
Android Glide: Show a blurred image before loading actual image

I am developing an Android app which displays full screen images to the user. Images are fetched from the server. …

android android-glide
Loading large number of items in recycler view

I have a recycler view within a fragment and basically I m trying to load song list in the recycler …

android android-recyclerview android-glide mediastore
Android Glide: How to download and cache bitmaps?

I am using Glide to download and cache images on Android. Everything works well except the fact that I don't …

android image-caching android-glide
Glide assert: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You must call this method on the main thread

Has anyone used Glide to fetch images from a background thread? I keep getting this assert: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You …

android multithreading android-glide
Glide - adding header to request

is there a method to add custom header to request when image is downloaded? I can use volley or okhttp …

android request android-volley okhttp android-glide
Glide 4.3.1: how to use error()?

First, what is the difference between Glide and GlideApp? The latter seems to be automatically generated, but the steps seemed …

android kotlin android-glide
Glide not updating image android of same url?

I have the same url for an image. When I update this image more than one time it shows the …

android caching imageview android-glide
Error "You must not call setTag() on a view Glide is targeting" when use Glide

I use Glide library inner custom adapter view in my apps. But I have Error : "You must not call setTag() …

android android-glide