First, what is the difference between Glide
and GlideApp
? The latter seems to be automatically generated, but the steps seemed to be complicated so I used Glide instead. They both seem to have the same methods.
So, I used Glide.with(activity).load(fileName).error().into(imageView)
. The problem is that I cannot understand what to pass to error(). It did not take a drawable resource ID. Android Studio says the parameter is RequestBuilder< Drawable!>?, but I could not find any example.
"Error: Type mismatch: inferred type is Int but RequestBuilder< Drawable!>? was expected"
If you are using Glide v4 then you have to use RequestOptions for including the more options you want, for example centerCrop(), placeholder(), error(), priority() , diskCacheStrategy().
So after using RequestOptions your Glide would look like this-
RequestOptions options = new RequestOptions()
Now you can show error image and placeholder set the disk cache etc.
GlideApp is also a part of Glide v4. It is used to provide more than one Transformation in Glide v4, using the transforms() method:
.transforms(new CenterCrop(), new RoundedCorners(20))
error() and placeholder() using GlideApp-