Tag for questions related with saving data to/reading data from an Android device external storage.
I have a rooted TV Box with Android 7.1.2 which didn't come with the Files app (com.android.documentsui), so I …
android installation system android-external-storage android-7.1-nougatLink :I worked on based on this Link I added this line to find the size (both Internal and External) …
android storage sd-card android-external-storageWhen I look at my sd card root directory in Android file transfer or Astro file manager it's a mess …
android android-sdcard android-external-storageI am having trouble opening file inside external storage with Android N. File path file:///storage/emulated/0/Download/SamplePDFFile_5mb.…
android android-intent android-external-storage android-fileproviderThis is driving me crazy. I have tried all kinds of syntaxes but both mkdir() and mkdirs() return false. My …
android directory android-external-storage