This is driving me crazy. I have tried all kinds of syntaxes but both mkdir()
and mkdirs()
return false.
My code:
String extStorageDirectory = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString();
File folder = new File(extStorageDirectory, "myportal");
boolean bool = folder.mkdir();
File pdfFile = new File(folder, fileName);
}catch (IOException e){
FileDownloader.downloadFile(fileUrl, pdfFile);
I was getting and IOException: No such file or directory
when trying to create the file. The logcat part showed me that no directory was created:
Log.d("BG", "URL: " + fileUrl);
Log.d("BG", "pdfFile: " + pdfFile);
Log.d("BG", "Ext Storage: " + extStorageDirectory);
Log.d("BG", "Ext storage state: " + Environment.getExternalStorageState().toString());
Log.d("BG", "Mkdir return: " + bool);
Log.d("BG", "IsDirectory: " + folder.isDirectory());
And what is printed:
05-26 22:43:03.797 19364-30646/com.kristmiha.myportal2 D/BG: URL:
05-26 22:43:03.798 19364-30646/com.kristmiha.myportal2 D/BG: pdfFile: /storage/emulated/0/myportal/orari.pdf
05-26 22:43:03.798 19364-30646/com.kristmiha.myportal2 D/BG: Ext Storage: /storage/emulated/0
05-26 22:43:03.804 19364-30646/com.kristmiha.myportal2 D/BG: Ext storage state: mounted
05-26 22:43:03.805 19364-30646/com.kristmiha.myportal2 D/BG: Mkdir return: false
05-26 22:43:03.805 19364-30646/com.kristmiha.myportal2 D/BG: IsDirectory: false
I've double checked permissions and I've put them in the right place. I think I read somewhere that after KitKat we are not allowed to write in the external storage, but have found no solution yet.
Applicable only if your targetSdkVersion 29
Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() is deprecated in API level 29.
To get the same functionality use this line
File mediaStorageDir = context.getExternalFilesDir(null);
If you have checked all the possible error then try this fix.