Top "Android-emulator" questions

An Android emulator is software which simulates the functionality of an Android device running the Android OS.

android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #2: Error inflating class <unknown>

I am developing a simple app. Just finished the home screen. If the orientation changes more than two times, it …

android android-emulator android-memory
How To Test BOOT_COMPLETED Broadcast Receiver In Emulator

I want to check the BROADCAST RECEIVER with Action BOOT_COMPLETED in the emulator. Is there any way to check …

android android-emulator broadcastreceiver
AndroidStudio: Can't run AVD because of Intel HAXM error

According to my AS SDK manager, Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM Installer) version 6.0.1 is installed. However, if I attempt to …

android android-emulator emulation haxm
get the path of a Gallery Folder in Android

I know how to programatically get a gallery image (one by one). Now that the gallery is organised folderwise Is …

android android-emulator gallery image-gallery
UnsupportedOperationException: Can't convert to dimension: type=0x1

In Android I got following Error in the emulator and some mobile device but not in Tablet: I can't understand …

android android-layout android-emulator actionbarsherlock android-theme
Why is the Android emulator screen blank?

I have recently installed Android Studio and all its updates using sdks manager. When I try to start the emulator …

android android-studio android-emulator haxm
Remote debugging with Android emulator

Is it possible to write the code/compile Android application on one machine and debug it remotely on the emulator …

android android-emulator
Starting the Android emulator in SDK tools, revision 12

I updated the Android SDK tools from revision 11 to revision 12, and the emulator now fails to start. When I try …

android android-emulator android-sdk-tools
How do I disable the Internet connection in Android Emulator?

I am trying to check Internet connectivity on Android using the following method. I have a Wi-Fi connection. private boolean …

android android-emulator internet-connection
No accelerator found - failed to create HAX VM

I am unable to launch any emulators on Android Studio. When trying to launch an emulator, I get the following …

android android-emulator haxm