Top "Android-ble" questions

In contrast to Classic Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is designed to provide significantly lower power consumption.

Android BLE Gatt connection change statuses

I have an android app to connect to a BLE device and write to it. I can successfully connect, read …

android bluetooth android-bluetooth android-ble bluetooth-gatt
Using BLE - Read GATT characteristics

I'm trying to read GATT characteristic values from a Bluetooth LE device (a Heart Rate bracelet). Its specs are: Services …

android android-bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy gatt android-ble
How to correctly use UUID.fromString method?

I am trying to read/write these ble characteristics: Right now, I'm trying to read AA01* I am using this …

java android bluetooth-lowenergy android-ble rxandroidble
Android stops finding BLE devices: onClientRegistered() - status=133 clientIf=0

I am developing an app in which I can both find and configure BLE devices. I am using standard Android …

android android-bluetooth android-ble android-wireless
Android BLE readCharacteristic fails

I'm trying to read the initial state of a BLE device when I connect to it. Here's the code I …

android bluetooth-lowenergy android-ble
android - stopLeScan() & startLeScan() deprecated in API Level 22 - How do I go about replacing this with stopScan() and startScan()?

I see that stopLeScan() & startLeScan() are deprecated in Android 5.1.1. I am having issues replacing my stopLeScan() & startLeScan() methods. …

android bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy android-bluetooth android-ble