Top "Android-audiomanager" questions

AudioManager provides access to volume and ringer mode control.

Android MediaPlayer - how to play in the STREAM_ALARM?

I've tried settings the audio stream of the media player in my application using the following code but when I …

android stream media-player android-audiomanager
How can I send a pre-recorded(wav) file during a voice call?

I want to develop an application through which if the caller calls you, the call should be answered automatically without …

android media-player telephonymanager android-audiomanager
Not able to achieve Gapless audio looping so far on Android

I have tried almost every method but I've failed to achieve gapless audio playback between looping a single track with …

android android-audiomanager
Android the fastest way to load and play sound in application

I'm working on a project in which I have to load 6 different sounds in one activity and play all sound …

android soundpool android-audiomanager
How to turn on speaker for incoming call programmatically in Android L?

I want to accept an incoming call using answering phone's GUI (Phone's GUI) of my phone in Android 5.0. I found …

android android-intent android-audiomanager
Android: Hide Volume change bar from device?

is there a way to hide the volume change bar/notification (however you might call it..btw. how do you …

android android-layout android-audiomanager
Alternative for deprecated AudioManger.setStreamMute?

AudioManger.setStreamMute is now deprecated with api 23 and it is preferred to use AudioManager.adjustStreamVolume with AudioManager.ADJUST_MUTE. My …

android android-6.0-marshmallow android-audiomanager
How to programmatically Mute/Silent devices running Lollipop?

How I can make my phone mute in lollipop devices programmatically? For pre-lollipop devices, it can be done pretty well …

android android-audiomanager
Changing the Vibrate settings in Jelly Bean, Android

I am looking for how we change the vibrate settings in Jelly Bean. I found that all the pre-JB vibrate …

android android-4.2-jelly-bean vibration android-audiomanager
Headphone Jack Listener Android

Does anyone know how I can detect if the headphone jack on a device is unplugged on Android? I have …

java android audio media-player android-audiomanager