Top "Android-audiomanager" questions

AudioManager provides access to volume and ringer mode control.

Changing data source for audio playback using existing MediaPlayer?

I'm trying to use the same media player but change the data source. Here is what I'm trying to do:  …

android media-player android-audiomanager
How to set notification sound volume programmatically?

I have this method in my main activity private void beep() { AudioManager manager = (AudioManager) getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); manager.setStreamVolume(…

android notifications android-audiomanager
How to set volume for text-to-speech "speak" method?

I'm at a lost. I want to be able to adjust the speak volume. Whatever I do, I can't increase …

android text-to-speech android-audiomanager
How does setMicrophoneMute() work?

I have been trying to use Android's AudioManager.setMicrophoneMute() without much success. That is, it simply refuses to mute the …

android microphone android-audiomanager
What is audio focus in Android class AudioManager?

The AudioManager class has a method abandonAudioFocus() and another method requestAudioFocus(). I wonder what is audio focus? And what happens …

android android-audiomanager
Transfer data through audio jack cable over two Android devices

I'm researching on transferring text data over male-to-male audio jack cable. I'm testing this on HTC one V and on …

android android-audiomanager android-mediarecorder android-audiorecord
Increase volume of recording Android AudioRecord

I'm using AudioRecord and lame to record mic input to a mp3 sample for 12 seconds. The audio is recorder as …

android android-audiomanager android-audiorecord
How to increase the ringer & notification volume programmatically in android

I am trying to enable the ringer normal mode and increase the volume programmatically. AudioManager mobilemode = (AudioManager)mContext.getSystemService(Context.…

android android-notifications volume android-audiomanager
Android: Forcing external microphone (jack input 3.5mm) to stay on

How do I force the Android system to select the 3.5mm Jack as my microphone source? I am using the …

android microphone headset android-audiomanager
What is AudioFlinger and why does it fail TONE_PROP_ACK?

In my application I issue the following statement: toneGenerator.startTone(ToneGenerator.TONE_PROP_ACK, 600); Which works very well on a …

android android-audiomanager dtmf audioflinger