Top "Android-activity" questions

Questions about creating or managing Activities in Android.

requestFeature() must be called before adding content

I am trying to implement a custom titlebar: Here is my Helper class: import; import android.view.…

android android-layout android-activity cannot be cast to

I'm trying to change a LinearLayout from another class, but when i run this code: public class IRC extends PircBot { …

java android android-activity classcastexception
Android: how to make an activity return results to the activity which calls it?

I have a Location activity that can be called from many activities, such as Sign up and Order. In the …

android android-activity onactivityresult
Android Center text on canvas

I'm trying to display a text using the code below. The problem is that the text is not centered horizontally. …

java android android-activity android-canvas drawtext
runOnUiThread in fragment

I'm trying to convert an Activity to fragment. The error mark on runOnUiThread. on the past: GoogleActivityV2 extends from Activity. …

android android-fragments android-activity
Android - Activity vs FragmentActivity?

I am new in Android. I want to build an app with tab format. I found many documentation where Activity …

android android-activity android-fragmentactivity
Start new Activity and finish current one in Android?

Currently I'm starting a new Activity and calling finish on a current one. Is there any flag that can be …

android android-activity flags start-activity
How to start Activity in adapter?

I have a ListActivity with my customized adapter and inside each of the view, it may have some buttons, in …

java android android-activity adapter
Launch Android application without main Activity and start Service on launching application

I have the following scenario in my application. There is no UI in my application; instead there is a Service …

android android-activity android-service
Android: Clear Activity Stack

I'm having several activities in my application. and flow is very complicated. When I click the Logout application navigates to …

android android-activity stack