The ActionBar is Android's window feature that identifies the application and user location, and provides user actions and navigation modes.
I wana add a notification badge on the cart image placed in action bar and manipulate it programmatically. Any Help?
android android-layout android-actionbar badgeI'm trying to use the ActionBarSherlock library to provide backwards compatible ActionBar support with tabs in my Android app, so …
android android-actionbar actionbarsherlockIn Android what is the main difference between extending Lifecycler Activity, Activity,ActionBarActivity & AppCompactActivity? How do these classes differ …
android android-fragments android-activity android-actionbarThere is this widget for the ActionBar which called 'SearchView'. When it's not in use, it looks like this: And …
java android android-actionbarWhat is the best way to implement action bar like twitter sample UI Pattern. Twitter for Android: A closer look …
android user-interface twitter android-actionbarSo, I just updated my codebase to Lollipop, and I'm having issues with the Action Bar. I'm using AppCompat and …
android android-actionbar android-appcompat android-5.0-lollipopI added in my app using below code, now I want to show a button …
android android-layout android-actionbar android-actionbar-compat android-toolbarI am trying to get the ActionBar working properly on my app (and I'm using ActionBarSherlock to get a unified …
android android-layout android-actionbar actionbarsherlock android-menuI'm trying to add support for the SearchView in the Android 3.0+ ActionBar, but I can't get the OnCloseListener to work. …
android android-3.0-honeycomb android-4.0-ice-cream-sandwich android-actionbarWhile updating my apps to Kitkat, I just wanted to give them a gorgeous look on KitKat using the Translucent …
android android-actionbar android-4.4-kitkat