Top "Android-4.3-jelly-bean" questions

Android 4.3 (API Level 18) is an updated version of Jelly Bean.

Accessing Android NotificationListenerService Settings

Android has a new notification listener service as of 4.3:…

android notifications android-4.3-jelly-bean
Android KeyStore - How to save an RSA PrivateKey

I receive from a web service(made by myself) an RSA PrivateKey PKCS#8 encoded in a base 64 String. My Android …

security keystore android-4.3-jelly-bean
Is the native Android BLE implementation synchronous in nature?

I remember reading in the "Guide and Hint"-doc to the Samsung BLE API (archived page): One of the most …

android bluetooth-lowenergy android-4.3-jelly-bean gatt
Cannot read characteristic. Android BLE

I'd like to read the data from a specific characteristic of my remote BLE device to my Android tablet Nexus 7. …

android bluetooth-lowenergy android-bluetooth android-4.3-jelly-bean characteristics
Expandable list view move group icon indicator to right in jellyBean 4.3 version?

The below method is not working in android version jellybean 4.3. historyExpaLV.setIndicatorBounds(historyExpaLV.getRight() - 60, historyExpaLV.getWidth() - 8); Does anyone …

android expandablelistview android-4.3-jelly-bean
onServicesDiscovered status is 129 and connect unstable for BLE in Android

I following the page Bluetooth Low Energy for developing in Android 4.3 for Bluetooth Low Energy I try connect BLE device …

android bluetooth-lowenergy android-4.3-jelly-bean
What is the proper method for reading a GATT characteristic in Android?

In attempting to read the value of a Bluetooth Low-Energy GATT characteristic in the Android API 18, I came across the …

bluetooth-lowenergy android-bluetooth android-4.3-jelly-bean
bluetooth low energy notification

i am trying to read temperature value from health thermometer service. according to official google ble devlopment page …

android notifications bluetooth-lowenergy android-4.3-jelly-bean gatt
BLE Device disconnect with Android device automatically. Android BLE

I'm using Android Nexus 7 to connect a device via Bluetooth Low Energy link. I'm able to connect the device, and …

android bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy android-4.4-kitkat android-4.3-jelly-bean