As explained here, one can deploy to Amazon S3 with maven.
How can we do the same with sbt, that is, to publish to S3 with sbt?
Here is an SBT Plugin I wrote for publishing to Amazon S3:
It's similar to the already mentioned sbt-s3-resolver but is Apache 2.0 Licensed (instead of AGPL) and is available on Maven Central. It's also a little easier to use and configure.
publishTo := Some("S3" at "s3://")
resolvers += "S3" at "s3://"
Just add this to your project/plugins.sbt file:
addSbtPlugin("com.frugalmechanic" % "fm-sbt-s3-resolver" % "0.19.0")
There are multiple ways to configure the AWS Credentials which are documented on the GitHub Page.
One method is to create an ~/.sbt/.s3credentials that looks like:
accessKey = XXXXXXXXXX
secretKey = XXXXXXXXXX
The credentials file will be automatically picked up by the plugin and you will be able to resolve and publish.