AWS VPC identify private and public subnet

user1846749 picture user1846749 · Feb 16, 2018 · Viewed 10.7k times · Source

I have a VPC in AWS account and there are 5 subnets associated with that VPC. Subnets are of 2 types - Public and private. How to identify which subnet is public and which is private ? Each subnet has CIDR 10.249.?.? range.

Basically when I launch an EMR in that subnet with lists of ec2SubnetIds , it says ***The subnet configuration was invalid: Provided subnet list contains both public and private subnet. Only one type of subnet is allowed.

How to recify this error.


jarmod picture jarmod · Feb 16, 2018

The question is how to identify public subnets vs. private subnets, and the answer lies in what it means in AWS for a subnet of a VPC to be 'public' vs. 'private'.

Public subnets have a default route to an Internet Gateway; private subnets do not.

So, to determine if a given subnet is public or private, you need to describe the route table that is associated with that subnet. That will tell you the routes and you can test for a route with a gateway ID of igw-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (as opposed to local).

You can tell if a subnet is public in the AWS VPC Console by reviewing the subnet's route table, for example:

enter image description here

You can also do this as follows for a given subnet ID, using the awscli:

aws ec2 describe-route-tables \
    --filter Name=association.subnet-id,Values=subnet-0a123fc414ad5b999 \
    --query "RouteTables[].Routes[]"

The output will look like this:

        "DestinationCidrBlock": "",
        "GatewayId": "local",
        "Origin": "CreateRouteTable",
        "State": "active"
        "DestinationCidrBlock": "",
        "GatewayId": "igw-0fca21fadaa22a1b2",
        "Origin": "CreateRoute",
        "State": "active"

Here, you can see a destination route of with a target that is an Internet Gateway (its GatewayId is igw-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx). This confirms that you are looking at a public subnet.