I am trying to use EMR/Hive to import data from S3 into DynamoDB. My CSV file has fields which are enclosed within double quotes and separated by comma. While creating external table in hive, I am able to specify delimiter as comma but how do I specify that fields are enclosed within quotes?
If I don’t specify, I see that values in DynamoDB are populated within two double quotes ““value”” which seems to be wrong.
I am using following command to create external table. Is there a way to specify that fields are enclosed within double quotes?
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE emrS3_import_1(col1 string, col2 string, col3 string, col4 string) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '","' LOCATION 's3://emrTest/folder';
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks Jitendra
I was also stuck with the same issue as my fields are enclosed with double quotes and separated by semicolon(;). My table name is employee1.
So I have searched with links and I have found perfect solution for this.
We have to use serde for this. Please download serde jar using this link : https://github.com/downloads/IllyaYalovyy/csv-serde/csv-serde-0.9.1.jar
then follow below steps using hive prompt :
add jar path/to/csv-serde.jar;
create table employee1(id string, name string, addr string)
row format serde 'com.bizo.hive.serde.csv.CSVSerde'
with serdeproperties(
"separatorChar" = "\;",
"quoteChar" = "\"")
stored as textfile
and then load data from your given path using below query:
load data local inpath 'path/xyz.csv' into table employee1;
and then run :
select * from employee1;
Now you will see the magic. Thanks.