Top "Amazon-ses" questions

Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is a highly scalable and cost-effective bulk and transactional email-sending service for businesses and developers.

How can i send mail without verifying the recipients in amazon ses

I have been trying to send mail with amazon ses and it worked very well for all the verified recipients. …

amazon-web-services amazon-ses
Sending HTML email through amazon ses

I am sending bulk emails using amazon ses. My code is given below public void sendMail(String sender, LinkedList<…

java amazon-web-services amazon-ses
Can I use Amazon's SES with Symfony2 and the Swiftmailer Bundle?

I'm hosting a site on Amazon's ec2 running a 64-bit version of CentOS. The site has a simple Contact Us …

amazon-ec2 symfony swiftmailer amazon-ses
AWS EC2 email sending limit when using third party smtp server

Are there any limits on the number of emails I can send from an EC2 instances when I am using …

amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 smtp amazon-ses
Post problems with Indy TIdHTTP

I am having issues posting to Amazon's SES Service using Indy's TIdHTTP. Here is an example of the code i …

delphi amazon-ses
How do I integrate Amazon SQS with Dynamodb

Is it possible to auto send/push the messages in Amazon SQS to DynamoDB? I wish to send my messages …

amazon-web-services amazon-dynamodb amazon-sqs amazon-ses
SpamAssassin negative score for HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS

Some emails sent by our sever go to spam for certain recipients. E.g when sent to email …

phpmailer amazon-ses spamassassin
Failed to retrieve credentials from EC2 Instance Metadata Service

I'm trying to send an email via the AWS SES API using the SDK. I based my code off the …

c# amazon-web-services email .net-core amazon-ses
AWS SES S3 process inbound email

I'm working on a publish by email system based on AWS SES. For all incoming emails I've set routing to …

amazon-s3 amazon-ec2 amazon-sns amazon-ses aws-lambda
Boto SES - send_raw_email() to multiple recipients

I'm having big time problems with this issue-- another question on SO that didn't solve it is here: Send Raw …

python email mime-types boto amazon-ses