Amazon Redshift is a petabyte-scale data warehousing service using existing business intelligence tools to analyze the data.
I've lots of string values containing single quotes which I need to insert to a column in REDSHIFT table. I …
sql escaping amazon-redshift sql-insert single-quotesI am trying to create a table with an auto-increment column as below. Since Redshift psql doesn't support SERIAL, I …
sql amazon-redshiftI have a redshift cluster that I use for some analytics application. I have incoming data that I would like …
amazon-s3 amazon-redshiftIs there an option to load a CSV into Redshift with a header? I see the documentation for CSV but …
csv amazon-web-services amazon-redshift etlI want to find the first and last day of last month in Redshift. However, most of the postgresql features …
sql amazon-redshiftI'm trying to connect to Redshift database from SQL Workbench/J using Postgre JDBC drivers but I can't get through. …
amazon-redshiftUPDATE: also asked on the PgAdmin-support mailing list here. So I have an AWS Redshift cluster up and running, and …
amazon-redshift pgadminGetting the list of users belonging to a group in Redshift seems to be a fairly common task but I …
amazon-redshiftI am copying data from Amazon S3 to Redshift. During this process, I need to avoid the same files being …
amazon-web-services amazon-s3 duplicates copy amazon-redshiftI am wondering how to convert comma-delimited values into rows in Redshift. I am afraid that my own solution isn't …
amazon-web-services amazon-redshift