Top "Amazon-glacier" questions

Amazon Glacier is an online storage service intended to provide durable and secure long-term storage for the purposes of archiving and backup of large amounts of data.

Backup strategies for AWS S3 bucket

I'm looking for some advice or best practice to back up S3 bucket. The purpose of backing up data from …

amazon-web-services amazon-s3 backup amazon-glacier
How to restore folders (or entire buckets) to Amazon S3 from Glacier?

I changed the lifecycle for a bunch of my buckets on Amazon S3 so their storage class was set to …

amazon-web-services amazon-s3 amazon-glacier
Move files between amazon S3 to Glacier and vice versa programmatically using API

I am creating a PHP based web application using Amazon's S3 and glacier services. Now I want to give my …

amazon-web-services amazon-s3 amazon-glacier
Backup: Amazon S3 or Glacier - lots of little files?

I'm trying to understand the complicated Amazon Glacier pricing model. I don't want to store a huge amount of data, …

amazon-web-services backup amazon-glacier
Node reading file in specified chunk size

The goal: Upload large files to AWS Glacier without holding the whole file in memory. I'm currently uploading to glacier …

node.js upload amazon-glacier
Amazon S3 lifecycle retroactive application

Fairly straightforward question. Do Amazon S3 lifecycle rules that I set get applied to data retroactively? If so, what sort …

amazon-web-services amazon-s3 amazon-glacier
List files in Glacier with AWS CLI

I need to delete files stored in a Glacier Vault, but AWS CLI needs the object id and I can't …

amazon-web-services aws-cli amazon-glacier
Is it possible to move EC2 volumes to Amazon Glacier without having to download and upload it?

I am trying to reduce costs of my AWS system. I thought of moving some volumes I rarely use to …

amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 amazon-glacier
AWS: Ways of keeping cost down while backing up S3 files to Glacier?

As part of our project, we have created quite a bushy folder/file tree on S3 with all the files …

amazon-s3 amazon-ec2 amazon-glacier
Permanently restore Glacier to S3

I'm wondering whether there is an easy way to permanently restore Glacier objects to S3. It seems that you can …

amazon-s3 amazon-glacier