Top "Alphabet" questions

Alphabet range in Python

Instead of making a list of alphabet characters like this: alpha = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'.........'z'] is there any way …

python string list alphabet
Convert integer into its character equivalent, where 0 => a, 1 => b, etc

I want to convert an integer into its character equivalent based on the alphabet. For example: 0 => a 1 => b 2 =&…

javascript integer alphabet
Creating a sequential list of letters with R

I would like to be able to create a sequence of letters in R (to assist in importing data from …

r alphabet
How do I iterate through the alphabet?

In Python, could I simply ++ a char? What is an efficient way of doing this? I want to iterate through …

python python-2.7 alphabet
Get character position in alphabet

I'm 90% sure there is a built in function that does this. I need to find the position of a character …

python position character alphabet
Quickest way to enumerate the alphabet

I want to iterate over the alphabet like so: foreach(char c in alphabet) { //do something with letter } Is an …

c# alphabet
Is there a fast way to generate a dict of the alphabet in Python?

I want to generate a dict with the letters of the alphabet as the keys, something like letter_count = {'a': 0, …

python dictionary alphabet
How do I increment a variable to the next or previous letter in the alphabet?

I have a capital letter defined in a variable string, and I want to output the next and previous letters …

java string variables alphabet
Most efficient way to get next letter in the alphabet using PHP

Given any character from a to z, what is the most efficient way to get the next letter in the …

php string alphabet
Iterating through the Alphabet - C# a-caz

I have a question about iterate through the Alphabet. I would like to have a loop that begins with "a" …

c# count loops iteration alphabet