Group n points in k clusters of equal size

Pierre-David Belanger picture Pierre-David Belanger · Jan 10, 2012 · Viewed 17.2k times · Source

Possible Duplicate:
K-means algorithm variation with equal cluster size

EDIT: like casperOne point it out to me this question is a duplicate. Anyways here is a more generalized question that cover this one:

My requirements

In a project I need to group n points (x,y) in k clusters of equal size (n / k). Where x and y are double floating numbers, n can range from 100 to 10000 and k can range from 2 to 100. Also k is known before the algorithm runs.

My experimentations

I started to resolve the problem by using the algorithm, which work great and fast to produce exactly k clusters of roughly the same size.

But my problem is this, K-means produce clusters of roughly the same size, where I need the clusters to be exactly the same size (or to be more precise: I need them to have a size between floor(n / k) and ceil(n / k)).

Before you point it out to me, yes I tried the first answer here K-means algorithm variation with equal cluster size, which sounds like a good idea.

The main idea is to post process the array of cluster produce by K-means. From the biggest cluster up to the smallest. We reduce the size of the clusters that have more than n / k members by moving extra points to an other nearest cluster. Leaving alone the clusters that are already reduced.

Here is the pseudo code I implemented:

n is the number of point
k is the number of cluster
m = n / k (the ideal cluster size)
c is the array of cluster after K-means
c' = c sorted by size in descending order
for each cluster i in c' where i = 1 to k - 1
    n = size of cluster i - m (the number of point to move)
    loop n times
        find a point p in cluster i with minimal distance to a cluster j in c' where j > i
        move point p from cluster i to cluster j
    end loop
    recalculate centroids
end for each

The problem with this algorithm is that near the end of the process (when i come close to k), we have to choose a cluster j in c' (where j > i because we need to leave alone the clusters already processed), but this cluster j we found can be far from cluster i, thus breaking the concept of cluster.

My question

Is there a post K-means algorithm or a K-means variant that can meet my requirements, or am I wrong from the beginning and I need to find an other clustering algorithm?

PS: I do not mind to implement the solution myself, but it would be great if I can use a library, and ideally in JAVA.


Has QUIT--Anony-Mousse picture Has QUIT--Anony-Mousse · Jan 10, 2012

Try this k-means variation:


  • choose k centers from the dataset at random, or even better using kmeans++ strategy
  • for each point, compute the distance to its nearest cluster center, and build a heap for this
  • draw points from the heap, and assign them to the nearest cluster, unless the cluster is already overfull. If so, compute the next nearest cluster center and reinsert into the heap

In the end, you should have a paritioning that satisfies your requirements of the +-1 same number of objects per cluster (make sure the last few clusters also have the right number. The first m clusters should have ceil objects, the remainder exactly floor objects.) Note that using a heap ensures the clusters remain convex: if they were no longer convex, there would have been a better swap candidate.

Iteration step:

Requisites: a list for each cluster with "swap proposals" (objects that would prefer to be in a different cluster).

E step: compute the updated cluster centers as in regular k-means

M step: Iterating through all points (either just one, or all in one batch)

Compute nearest cluster center to object / all cluster centers that are closer than the current clusters. If it is a different cluster:

  • If the other cluster is smaller than the current cluster, just move it to the new cluster
  • If there is a swap proposal from the other cluster (or any cluster with a lower distance), swap the two element cluster assignments (if there is more than one offer, choose the one with the largest improvement)
  • otherwise, indicate a swap proposal for the other cluster

The cluster sizes remain invariant (+- the ceil/floor difference), an objects are only moved from one cluster to another as long as it results in an improvement of the estimation. It should therefore converge at some point like k-means. It might be a bit slower (i.e. more iterations) though.

I do not know if this has been published or implemented before. It's just what I would try (if I would try k-means. there are much better clustering algorithms.)