I have implemented a quadtree structure for n points as well as a method for returning an array of points within a given rectangle. I can't seem to find an algorithm to efficiently find the point that is closest to another given point. Am I missing something obvious? I assume a recursive solution is the correct approach?
Am working in Objective C but pseudo code would be fine. Additionally I am actually storing lat, long data and the distance between points is along a great circle.
EDIT: This is my tree insert and subdivide code
- (BOOL)insert:(id<PASQuadTreeDataPoint>)dataPoint {
BOOL pointAdded = false;
// If the point lies within the region
if(CGRectContainsPoint(self.region, dataPoint.point)) {
// If there are less than 4 points then add this point
if(self.dataPoints.count < kMaxPointsPerNode) {
[self.dataPoints addObject:dataPoint];
pointAdded = true;
else {
// Subdivide into 4 quadrants if not already subdivided
if(northEast == nil) [self subdivide];
// Attempt to add the point to one of the 4 subdivided quadrants
if([northEast insert:dataPoint]) return true;
if([southEast insert:dataPoint]) return true;
if([southWest insert:dataPoint]) return true;
if([northWest insert:dataPoint]) return true;
return pointAdded;
- (void)subdivide {
// Compute the half width and the origin
CGFloat width = self.region.size.width * 0.5f;
CGFloat height = self.region.size.height * 0.5f;
CGFloat x = self.region.origin.x;
CGFloat y = self.region.origin.y;
// Create a new child quadtree with the region divided into quarters
self.northEast = [PASQuadTree quadTreeWithRegion:CGRectMake(x + width, y, width, height)];
self.southEast = [PASQuadTree quadTreeWithRegion:CGRectMake(x + width, y + height, width, height)];
self.southWest = [PASQuadTree quadTreeWithRegion:CGRectMake(x, y + height, width, height)];
self.northWest = [PASQuadTree quadTreeWithRegion:CGRectMake(x, y, width, height)];
EDIT: Have written this code to find the smallest node (leaf) that would contain the point:
-(PASQuadTree *)nodeThatWouldContainPoint:(CGPoint)point {
PASQuadTree *node = nil;
// If the point is within the region
if (CGRectContainsPoint(self.region, point)) {
// Set the node to this node
node = self;
// If the node has children
if (self.northEast != nil) {
// Recursively check each child to see if it would contain the point
PASQuadTree *childNode = [self.northEast nodeThatWouldContainPoint:point];
if (!childNode) childNode = [self.southEast nodeThatWouldContainPoint:point];
if (!childNode) childNode = [self.southWest nodeThatWouldContainPoint:point];
if (!childNode) childNode = [self.northWest nodeThatWouldContainPoint:point];
if (childNode) node = childNode;
return node;
Closer but no cigar!
Find the smallest square with your search point at the center and exactly one other point inside that rectangle (you need to do logn number of searches).
Let x be the distance to the other point.
Then find all the points within a square whose side is 2x and centered around your first point. For each point within this square, calculate the distance from search point and find the closest.
UPDATE: How to find one square centered around search point that contains exactly one other point?
Find a random point. Let the distance to that random point be x. Find all points within square of size x centered around search point. If there are non zero number of points within this square, then select a point at random and repeat. If there are no points, increase search square size to (2-0.5)*x (in next step (2-0.25)*x and so on.