I have a point cloud of an object, obtained with a laser scanner, and a CAD surface model of that object.
How can I match the point cloud to the surface, to obtain the translation and rotation between cloud and model?
I suppose I could sample the surface and try the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm to match the resulting sampled point cloud to the scanner point cloud.
Would that actually work?
And are there better algorithms for this task?
In new OpenCV, I have implemented a surface matching module to match a 3D model to a 3D scene. No initial pose is required and the detection process is fully automatic. The model also involves an ICP.
To get an idea, please check that out a video here (though it is not generated by the implementation in OpenCV):
The full source code is here and the documentation is here.
You mentioned that you needed to sample your CAD model. This is correct and we have given a sampling algorithm suited for point pair feature matching, such as the one implemented in OpenCV:
Birdal, Tolga, and Slobodan Ilic. A point sampling algorithm for 3D matching of irregular geometries. 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). IEEE, 2017.