Top "Alarmmanager" questions

Android class providing access to the system alarm services.

passing intent extra to android broadcast receiver

I have created a AlarmReceiver class which is used as broadcast receiver for alarm. The issue is that I need …

android broadcastreceiver android-intent alarmmanager android-pendingintent
I need to implement Notification Reminder in my android app

My Requirment: I want my application to show a reminder notification on every Friday @ 8 am I have used AlarmManager, BroadcastReceivers …

android notifications broadcastreceiver alarmmanager reminders
How to schedule my android app to do something every hour

I want my app to access database every hour and read next record from the table then update desctop widget …

java android schedule alarm alarmmanager
Didn't include a pendingIntent in the extras?

I came across this Error message on Logcat while working on an app. Can anyone tell me what it means? 07…

android alarmmanager android-pendingintent
setRepeating() of AlarmManager repeats after 1 minute no matter what the time is set (5 seconds in this case, API 18+)

I have set the repeat time to 5 seconds. The first toast appears after 5 seconds, but all the next once repeat …

android alarmmanager
AlarmManager not working in several devices

My app uses AlarmManager and it has been working since 4 years ago. But I noticed it started failing in some …

android alarmmanager
AlarmManager, BroadcastReceiver and Service not working

I'm refactoring some code so that my app will pull data from a website once a day at a given …

android broadcastreceiver alarmmanager android-pendingintent
Android alarm setting with specific date

I wan to set alarm with notification at specific date. Then I am using AmarmManager with NotificationManager currently. When I …

android calendar alarmmanager notificationmanager
scheduling alarm for every second in android 5.1

I want to run alarm service for every second in my application.It is working fine below 5.1 version. but it …

android alarmmanager android-wake-lock background-service
Android Alarm Manager Set Repeating at Specific Timing

I am having some problem with alarm manager in Android. So what I am trying to do is set the …

java android date alarmmanager recurring