Top "Alarmmanager" questions

Android class providing access to the system alarm services.

Android - How to set a notification to a specific date in the future?

Edit: SOLVED! Ever wanted to set a notification from a specific date starting a certain point in time (when an …

android date calendar notifications alarmmanager
how to repeat alarm week day on in android

I want to get alarm on monday to friday only. my code is here if (chk_weekday.isChecked()) { int day = …

android alarmmanager android-alarms
Should I use PendingIntent.getService() or getBroadcast with AlarmManager?

My app needs to grab some data from the web at a specific time each day. So I use an …

android service alarmmanager
Android AlarmManager setExact() is not exact

I need to plan sheduled task every 10 minutes. As in Lollipop and higher version setRepeating() is inexact, I use setExact() …

android alarmmanager
setExactAndAllowWhileIdle - is not exact as of developer reference

AlarmManager on API19 has the method setExact() to set an exact alarm. Exact means --> If I set an …

android alarmmanager android-6.0-marshmallow
How do you start an Activity with AlarmManager in Android?

I've poured through a dozen tutorials and forum answers about this problem, but still haven't been able to get some …

android alarmmanager
Cancel an AlarmManager pendingIntent in another pendingintent

I want cancel AlarmManager which define a service,in this service might start a new AlarmManger or cancel alarm that …

android alarmmanager
Identify and cancel an alarm send to an AlarmManager

If I use the AlarmManager to schedule an alarm (a PendintIntent which should be send), how can I identify that …

android schedule alarm alarmmanager android-alarms
Creating a Notification at a particular time through Alarm Manager

I am trying to create a notification at a particular time. Im creating a broadcast receiver and calling it through …

android broadcastreceiver alarmmanager android-pendingintent android-alarms
Will AlarmManager work if my application is not running?

I have an alarm that works fine if i am interacting(using) with my application but it dose not works …

android calendar alarmmanager android-pendingintent