Top "Alamofireimage" questions

AlamofireImage is an image component library for Alamofire.

Download File Using Alamofire 4.0 (Swift 3)

In older version of Alamofire. This is how I download file let destinationPath = Alamofire.Request.suggestedDownloadDestination( directory: .documentDirectory, domain: .userDomainMask); …

ios swift swift3 alamofire alamofireimage
Alamofire 4.0 Upload MultipartFormData Header

How do we add an authentication header to the upload function of Alamofire 4.0? below is the sample code, however I …

ios swift alamofire swift3 alamofireimage
Get image data with Alamofire request

I've updated my code to Swift 3 and am having trouble with the migration to Alamofire 4.0. I've used the Alamofire migration …

ios swift alamofire alamofireimage
How to upload multiple images in multipart using Alamofire?

I am stuck in uploading multiple images in multipart using Alamofire. Can any one help me? Thanks in advance!! For …

ios swift alamofire multipart alamofireimage
AlamofireImage: Can't get image in completion block from af_setImageWithURL

all I am learning Swift and I am trying to set an image on a UIImageView using AlamofireImage. I am …

ios alamofireimage
AlamofireImage af_setImageWithURL in a UITableViewCell without placeholder image

I'm using AlamofireImage to set an image on a UIImageView in a UITableViewCell like so: cell.imageView.af_setImageWithURL(url) …

ios iphone cocoa-touch alamofire alamofireimage