Top "Ajaxcontroltoolkit" questions

The ASP.

AjaxControlToolkit.ToolkitScriptManager is not available in version

I was facing a problem with backspace button while using MaskedEditExtender, that's why I upgraded the AjaxControlToolkit from v 4.1.60919.0 to … visual-studio-2010 ajaxcontroltoolkit toolkitscriptmanager
Could not load type 'AjaxControlToolkit.Sanitizer.AntiXssSanitizerProvider'.

I tried to use htmleditorextender but I am getting error. below are my settings <%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" …

c# webforms ajaxcontroltoolkit
AJAX Control Toolkit Autocomplete Extender not working

I can't get AJAX CT Autocomplete to work. The problem is when I start writing in textbox nothing happens. The …

c# linq-to-entities ajaxcontroltoolkit autocompleteextender
How to disable previous and future dates in ajax calendarextender v3.5?

I am using VS2008 with Ajax control toolkit v3.5 and i have used calendar extender tool in a textbox and …

c# ajaxcontroltoolkit calendarextender
Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Error not Resolved

I am using AjaxControlToolkit in my ASP.NET 4.5 Web Project in Visual Studio 2012. I am getting following error on the … ajaxcontroltoolkit
ASP.NET modal popup, entirely from code behind?

What I am trying to do is create a bit of reusable code that can write a modal popup, either …

c# ajaxcontroltoolkit
Image.FromStream(PostedFile.InputStream) Fails. (Parameter is not valid.) (AsyncFileUpload))

I'm using an AsyncFileUpload (AJAX Toolkit) to upload images. I have a Button which handle the image resizing. This have …

c# image upload ajaxcontroltoolkit
ASP.NET Textbox DropDownExtender

How to get the value from the dropdown to return to the TextBox? The following does not work. You can … textbox ajaxcontroltoolkit extender
ModalPopupExtender won't render in front of everything in IE7/IE8 Compatibility mode

I have a ModalPopupExtender from the AjaxControlToolkit that is working properly in Firefox, Chrome and IE8, but when I run … internet-explorer ajaxcontroltoolkit modalpopupextender
Date Picker Control Using AjaxControlToolkit in a form (Comparing between 2 date picker )

I am using the normal AjaxControlToolkit & use 2 datepicker in my page. First date picker is taking the date which … ajaxcontroltoolkit