AJAX Control Toolkit Autocomplete Extender not working

wegelagerer picture wegelagerer · Mar 6, 2011 · Viewed 18.3k times · Source

I can't get AJAX CT Autocomplete to work. The problem is when I start writing in textbox nothing happens. The frist problem I had experienced was when I tried to Add AutoComplete page method I got an error: "Cannot create page method "GetCompletionList"...". Then I tried creating it manually, but still nothing happens.

Here is the AdministracijaOsoba.aspx code:

<asp:TextBox ID="txtOsoba" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><asp:AutoCompleteExtender
                    ID="AutoCompleteExtender1" runat="server" ScriptPath="" 
                    ServiceMethod="GetCompletionList" ServicePath="AdministracijaOsoba.aspx.cs" 
                    TargetControlID="txtOsoba" UseContextKey="True">

Here is the AdministracijaOsoba.aspx.cs code:

public static string[] GetCompletionList(string prefixText, int count, string contextKey)
        PravosudnaAkademijaEntities db = new PravosudnaAkademijaEntities();

        var osoba = from o in db.osobas
                    orderby o.osoba_prezime
                    select new { o.osoba_id, person = o.osoba_prezime + " " + o.osoba_ime };

        string[] main = new string[0];

        foreach (var o in osoba)
            if (o.person.StartsWith(prefixText))
                Array.Resize(ref main, main.Length + 1);
                main[main.Length - 1] = o.person.ToString();

                if (main.Length == 15)

        return main;

Take a note that I'm using LINQ to Entities. Any help on this would be appreciated.



askids picture askids · Jun 12, 2011

Your code behind should read like this

public static string[] GetCompletionList prefixText, int count, string contextKey)

Also, there is no need of providing the servicepath attribute for your ajax extender if you are using a pagescriptmethod.